
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ode to a Butterfly- Poetry from the Past

Ode to a Butterfly
by Rose Shelor

fly on wings of burnished bronze,
fly swift and beautiful,
bedewed with colors of the burning dawn,
flutter wings, so fragile now,
and soar among the trees.
Your wings were made by the King
who made the dawn His praise,
your wings He painted for His glory
and your joy.
So, fly,
Fly on wings of burnished bronze.

flutter on wings so full of grace,
the pattern drawn ike silken lace,
upon your wings He drew,
a different pattern for you,
so that you are like no one,
your wings were made by Him
to be all your own,
so, soar,
and in His arms of grace,
lay your head and rest.

I wrote this poem when I was about ten years old in a creative writing class with my favorite childhood teacher, Miss Katharine Parrish. She gave me so much freedom with writing and encouraged my class to write to glorify God. This week I went through a lot of my old folders of poetry and paintings. It was really neat to get to go through them and trying to remember what exactly I was thinking at that time.

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